Thursday, July 23, 2020

Math Supports

Kindergarten Parents

As you all may know, this up coming school year is going to be a new experience for all of us. This is the first time we're experiencing a distance learning model for the beginning of school year. This is not going to be easy at the beginning but I am here to support you in any way I can. There will be certain math skills that we will be working on together as a class. These math skills are what they call standards. You are welcome to access all of the standards for Kindergarten along with the many parent resources they have available on the website. To help us have an idea of some of the math skills we will be working on this school year in Kindergarten. I have listed 5 math standards along with a link that can help your child practice these skills at home. You are welcome to share in the comment section below how your child felt while using these math supports. I'd love to hear from you! 

5 Kindergarten Math Standards & 
Interactive Learning Resources

  • MAFS.K.CC.1.3 Read and write numerals from 0-20. Represent a number of objects with a written numeral 020 (with 0 representing a count of no objects)
The link that I am adding at the bottom will help set the foundational knowledge in addressing the standard that is stated above. This tool is called "Five Frame". It has four different games using a Five Frame. They are given 4 different objects to choose from. They have circles, bugs, stars, or apples. Using one of those items they will be challenged to figure out: 
How many items or empty squares there are
Drag a certain number of items to the frame 
Determine how many items are needed to fill a five frame 
Drag items to complete an addition question. 
There is also the option to randomize the game. This is a great game for learning basic number facts. 

  • MAFS.KG.1.3 Identify shapes as two-dimensional (lying in a plane, flat) or three-dimensional (solid).

The link that I have added at the bottom will take you straight to the "Shape Tool" page. On this website your child will be able to create any geometric shape they want. The shapes that will be found in this tool are: square, triangle, trapezoid, hexagons and rhombus (also known as a diamond). They will be able to color, enlarge, shrink, reflect, slice, and glue the shapes together to create the geometric design of their choice. 

  • MAFS.K.CC.3.6 Identify whether the number of objects in one group is greater than, less than, or equal to the number objects in another group, e.g., by using matching and counting strategies. 

Which number is greater: 5 or 2? Students will be expected to know the answers to questions like this one. I encourage you to try comparing the quantity of objects at home to help support your child with this math skill. There are also great games online that your child can play to help support them as they learn this math skill. I find "Starfall" to be a great learning support website. This is a website you can access from home. There are also other math games that can be found on this same website. I've added the link below and please feel free to explore this website to it's full extent.  


  • MAFS.K.OA.1.2 Solve addition and subtraction word problems 1, and add and subtract within 10, e.g., by using objects or drawing to represent the problem (students are not required to independently read the word problems.)
Children in kindergarten are expected to know how to solve an addition or subtraction word problem. We know that in kindergarten many of out little ones don't quit know how to read yet, so reading the word problem is not expected. The link that I am going to add at the bottom is a great virtual manipulative that will help your child work on this specific skill while they are at home. This interactive game is called "Ten Frame" and while using any of the four different objects, the game will ask your child a series of questions based on the mode they chose. I've added the link at the bottom. 

  • MAFS.K.MD.1.2 Directly compare two objects with a measurable attribute in common, to see which object has "more of"/ "less of" the attribute, and describe the difference. For example, directly compare the heights of two children and describe one child as taller or shorter.

To help support your child with this math skill, I have added a link at the bottom that will take you straight to a website called IXL. This website has many great learning resources that can support your child's learning at home. However, the link that I have at the bottom is going to take you straight to the interactive game called "Long and Short." Your child will be able to practice recognizing the difference between the two. This game does increase in difficulty as they play, so it will definitely give them a fun challenge.

Parents, remember that I am here to support you and your child along the way! Please feel free to reach out to me anytime you need me! 
This is going to be a great school year!

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